PRP Shots

Rejuvenate Your Intimate Life With Specialized PRP Shots.

Our Process:

At Kumar Aesthetics, we believe in harnessing the body's natural healing potential. Our PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) shots begin with a thorough consultation and diagnosis to assess your unique needs. We then extract and concentrate platelets from your own blood and inject this rich mixture into targeted areas to rejuvenate and enhance your sexual health.

Male PRP Benefits:

For men, PRP shots are an innovative, non-pharmaceutical approach to correcting Erectile Dysfunction (ED). The therapy uses your body's healing mechanisms to stimulate blood flow, aiding in firmer, more reliable erections and enhancing sensitivity.

Female PRP Benefits:

Women also stand to gain significantly from PRP shots. The therapy can improve natural lubrication, enhance sensation, and potentially lead to more satisfying intimate experiences. By boosting the body's own regenerative capabilities, PRP shots can help women regain their sexual confidence and enjoy their intimate lives more fully.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does PRP work?

How long does it take to see results from a PRP shot?

Are PRP shots painful?

PRP uses the healing properties of your own platelets to stimulate regeneration and repair in targeted areas, improving function and health.

Although individual results may vary, most patients start to notice improvements within a few weeks of their PRP treatment.

Although individual results may vary, most patients start to notice improvements within a few weeks of their PRP treatment.

Embrace a healthier, more satisfying intimate life with our PRP shots.

Book your consultation at Kumar Aesthetics today to begin your journey towards improved sexual health.

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